JÓVENES ADELANTE- Here Come the Hopefuls for the Class of 2025

Posted on February 6th, 2025

JÓVENES ADELANTE- Here Come the Hopefuls for the Class of 2025
2025 Application Process Opened January 13th with Phase 1. 

Here they come. If 2025 is anything like recent years, somewhere between 350 and 600 aspiring students will turn to Jóvenes Adelante´s multi-dimensional university scholarship support program to help them either reach or complete their educational hopes. One hundred plus over 75 parents attended our JA Congress on January 18th, received an orientation to our program and had a chance to interact with our current students, staff and board members. Most share common themes: a commitment to a better life than that of their parents, to a career path that only higher education can provide, a drive towards upward social mobility, and a commitment to what is possible for Mexico’s future. Financial strain stops many, and so does a lack of support – love really – beyond that of their family. 


No one successful ever does this alone. On average, only 26% of university students graduate, only 1 in 10 students born today is likely to receive a university degree. This enormous loss of untapped human capital is what drives Jóvenes Adelante. With a relatively young population, Mexico’s economic future is here right now – if this potential amongst those lacking the privilege to succeed can be maximized. Eighty three percent of JA supported students graduate.

JA offers the highest non-university affiliated scholarship in San Miguel: 30,000 pesos per year minimum, a new laptop, individual mentors from day 1, English tutors, a student guidance counselor and professional, individual psychological support; success skills workshops, professional credentialing cost coverage, and a graduate network including a job bank. We now offer several types of scholarships, and of course sponsorship is not the only way to contribute to these young scholars in the making. More on this in the next issue!

This is just basic support. We also provide extra financial support, on a petition basis for professional development, including international travel and university exchange programs.

Yeslie Naomi Rea García, Class of 2024
Universidad del Valle de México, Medicine

This first year medical student recently submitted a remarkable petition for travel support, early in her studies. 

“Through this letter, I am…requesting financial support to cover the cost of medical expense insurance. I am a student selected for the international exchange program by UVM, where I am currently studying my second semester for a degree in medicine. This program is offered to students who have made good academic progress. I closed my first semester with a 9.45 GPA, which gave me the opportunity to take an exchange semester at the University of Extremadura, Badajoz, Spain. The insurance…is an essential requirement for the processing of my visa, which I must request as soon as possible, since the start of classes is scheduled for the last days of January 2025.

This opportunity represents great personal and academic growth. Contextualizing more how this opportunity came to me: Within the career we develop community support programs depending on the subjects we take. In the subject of Public Health I am managing a program to help patients who suffer from Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and who require dialysis and/or hemodialysis. This program is aimed primarily at people who do not have the necessary resources to cover the expenses that this disease represents. I am currently continuing to develop this program, planning the impact, what I want to achieve and how I am going to manage it. I intend to ask for help from the government to cover the cost of medications or to meet the specific needs of each patient and their family as required. Developing a program like this requires time and, above all, support. This exchange program will allow me to continue developing the project; I will take subjects such as Nephrology, Urology, among others, all with the help of specialists who can guide me so that my project can be carried out.”


Our 2025 Congress was fully booked and a great success! Now we invite all our constituents and the general public to attend the presentation of our Annual Report, 2024 on February 19th at 1pm, at the Rosewood hotel. In addition to the report, we will pay tribute to two founders who have recently passed away – Susi Beere and Bob Hesdorfer. In addition, music, food and drink will help us to celebrate another eventful year along with the achievement of reaching 300 graduates.
 Advanced registration required.
For more information and to register: 
Click Here