JÓVENES ADELANTE- Save the Date-Congress 2.0 Celebrating 300 Graduates
Posted on November 23rd, 2024
Five years after Jóvenes Adelante inaugurated an Annual Congress cut short by covid, JA presents Congress 2.0, themed on 300 lives transformed since 2001, and our collective ongoing stories to which JA gives voice. The all day congress is divided into 2 sessions, morning and afternoon. The morning is designed for New Class of 2025 Applicants and their Families to be oriented to the new selection process which opens the same week.
At noon, JA graduates, current students, mentors, sponsors, EFL tutors, and other JA community supporters will arrive so that these new applicants and families can experience the larger JA – to be inspired, and visa versa.
After a midday welcome snack, the Featured Event is a very special presentation of 2 documentary, short subject films of marginalized youth finding their voices as a means of healing and catharsis to go beyond the circumstances of their birth. It will be followed by an hour-long facilitated storytelling workshop with a small group of JA students and graduates who will volunteer in advance. The rest of the attendees will be observers, auditors only. These universal stories of resilience are presented and produced by the Youth Documentary Academy of Colorado Springs, CO. They are shared with JA as sources of inspiration that crosses borders.
The general public including applicants and their families are also invited to attend these afternoon sessions.
The storytelling workshop will be followed with festivities: A beverage & light bites reception offering an opportunity for the Jóvenes Adelante family and newcomers to mingle and shareSpecial recognitionsShared stories from our pastAmistad Canada Award The event will be held at the Instituto Sanmiguelense, the leading Technological University in San Miguel, and educational home to many of our students! There is plenty of parking on campus and the University is just outside of town, on the road to Dr. Mora near the Presidencia.
Watch for the November 26th newsletter Destinos Brillantes for more information including registration and full program detail.