A new and strong profile of university students selected for 2024
With great pride and excitement, we introduce our undergraduate Class of 2024. These 30 talented students, with dedication and vision, represent the strongest overall group we have ever selected. With high-impact potential, a strong commitment to social causes, and exceptional academic performance, they are ready to make a significant impact in their communities and in México. Thanks to their hard work, they are now set to embark on an academic journey that will shape their futures.
It was an honor during our selection process to learn their stories, fears, goals, falls, achievements and resilience. They are inspiring agents in San Miguel, Dolores Hidalgo and Comonfort.
Meet our 30 bright new scholars selected for the 2024 scholarship:
Two more students are awaiting university admision, and will be considered for our 2025 Class.
During an emotional Welcome Meeting and Orientation to our complete scholarship program, new class students, their parents and their new mentors met last July 20th at the Instituto Sanmiguelense (shoutouts to Instituto Sanmiguelense for donating the space).
None of this would be possible without the generous support of our sponsors, volunteers and partners.
Thanks to you, these talented young people are one step closer to achieving their dreams. Your investment in their education is, indeed, an investment in the future of Mexico.
As we move forward with our new students, we remain committed to our goal of supporting them every step of the way on their academic and professional journey. We can’t wait to see all that they will accomplish!
With gratitude,
If you would like to meet with anyone from Jóvenes Adelante to find out how it all works, and how you can be a part of it, contact:
Don Krim, Dir. Development and President Emeritus donkrim@jovenesadelante.org